Hello Lost Web-surfers, 

    Seems you've stumbled upon my mess of a mind. It'd be nice to say I started this blog to express my thoughts to the world offering a new perspective or to spark conversations on mental health and race. Truthfully, I'm just partaking in advice a fictional character was given by their therapist in a book; Start a Blog. Crazy, huh? Maybe I'll rant, but right now I want to get personal things off my chest and I don't really have a close friend to do that with consistently. Of course, doing this is risky, especially to strangers on the internet, but I'll strive for the utmost level of animosity and hope for the best. Deep down, I kinda also hope people will read this and relate, maybe my thought process and experiences can help you out. Whatever, the case, I really want to write what's on my mind and this stream of consciousness shiet is what you've got.

[Clever closing remark],

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