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Racism, But Not Even A Little Bit What You Think Hello Lost Web-Surfers,      Today, against my better judgement, I'm planning to throw the tip of my childhood iceberg out into the big, wide web. Fun. My parents are blatantly racist and this harshly shaped the majority of my childhood. No, neither of them are white {as most racism posts tend to address}. No, neither of them are Asian{as plenty of K-Pop and other international media articles debate about}. Ready for the wrench to be thrown in the clock's cogs? They're black.     I'm exposing my race and past experience with racism into this blog much earlier than I expected, but since it's the issue gnawing on my brain right now (mainly because I just wrote a cute depression poem and this is what I found lingering in my mind afterwards).     So here's the set up for this rare or at least surprising to most people set of characters. They identify as Pan-Afrikans(1), which means All Afrikan, the main beliefs

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